Monday, August 30, 2010

I Landed a Job! Thank You!

I have finally found gainful employment!  I’m heading back to IBM – this time in Software Channel Sales.  The best thing is that I am not “settling”.  This is a position I want with the company I want.

I would like to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers over the last year as I searched for a job. 

There is one person in particular who was instrumental in my landing the job that I did.  He knows who he is.  And I am particularly grateful to him.  But, there are many people who have helped me over the last several months - offering encouragement, sending job leads, and giving much-needed advice.  Thank you very much to one and all. 

Thanks also to former colleagues and managers who have assisted me with glowing recommendations and advice.

For better or worse, I have become very experienced at the whole job search game over the last year.  I have accumulated some knowledge about networking, interviewing, resume writing, and other aspects of the "hunt".  I learned by experience some important lessons - what works, what doesn't, and what pitfalls to look out for. 

If you or someone you know has been laid off and would like some advice - or just someone who can relate and be a sounding-board, feel free to contact me.  I'd be happy to talk and help in any way I can.

Again, thank you to everyone for your thoughts, prayers, and assistance.

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