Friday, June 7, 2019

ControlScan is Bringing Managed Detection and Response to Small and Mid-Sized Businesses

Cyberattacks are ongoing. Today, there are an average of 20 to 100 attacks every minute.  Small and Mid-Sized Businesses (SMBs) in today’s market need cybersecurity more than ever.  That’s where ControlScan MDR comes in.  We work with SMBs and develop an individualized program to make sure that they are protected and don’t have to worry.  ControlScan’s Managed Detections and Response (MDR) services treat every attack as a serious attack.
Stopping cybercriminals day-in and day-out is what our Security Operations Center (SOC) analysts look forward to.  Our SOC analysts work with our clients on an ongoing basis.  We are able to provide 24/7 “eyes on glass” support:  our analysts are watching our clients’ systems even while they are sleeping.  This gives them peace of mind about their operations.
Historically, we find that the companies that are attacked are those that can provide some financial gain to cybercriminals or those that contain data that is valuable cybercriminals.  Over 90% of attacks that happen today are started through phishing campaigns and various other “social engineering” types of attacks.  These are predominantly through email that can be read through traditional desktop/laptop-based systems.  However, we continue to see further movement toward attacks on mobile devices.
When a company looks at a breach, they not only need to look at it from a financial standpoint, but also from the standpoint of their reputation.  While they are down and not available, their customers still need the service that is being provided.  So, they may be going to a competitor.  Once they have made that move to a competitor – are they really going to come back?
The average time to detection within an organization today is anywhere from three to nine months.  Within the ControlScan SOC, we are able to identify threats in our clients’ network within seconds to minutes.  Through our analysts’ capabilities, we then make a decision within a ten minute timeframe and we aim to have a remediation in place within sixty minutes.

Most SMBs do not have the manpower to effectively detect and remediate cyberattacks.  Cybercriminals see these businesses as an easy target.  ControlScan is here to truly be an extension of their team and to be a trusted advisor.  Our analysts are here to identify threats and work with our clients’ teams to keep them protected.  This allows them to focus on their business initiatives and goals while not having to worry about all the ancillary cybersecurity threats that are out there.

Who is watching YOUR network?  Contact me today to learn more about our Managed Detection and Response solution – and any of our other compliance and security solutions.

At ControlScan, we’ve got your back.

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