Wednesday, June 26, 2019

It happened AGAIN! Another Florida town pays hackers a LOT of money to unlock data.

Last week, this happened.  $600K.

Now, we hear of another Florida town having to pony up $460K.

That's over a million dollars in ransom to criminals in less than a week in Florida alone! Public funds, no less!

I'll say it again....

ControlScan can protect your organization for a tiny fraction of this cost...and your data won't be held hostage...and your reputation with your clients will not be compromised!  (This is a large hidden cost to be sure!  Once you are breached, what happens to the trust your clients have in you?  Can you afford to lose their business?)

It's called Managed Detection and Response - MDR for short.

If your organization cannot afford to staff a security team and pay for product licenses, you need to contact ControlScan today.  Be PROACTIVE with your cybersecurity.  It is certainly more cost effective - and less stressful - than Riviera City's - and now Lake City's REACTIVE approach.

Joe Gaeta
(678) 694-0687

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